Any advice for a first time conference-goer?

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I’m going to my first conference next month, and am looking for some general tips and advice from experienced conference-goers on how to get the most out of it. The conference is in Rome, which I’ve never been to, so I’m quite excited about going. I’m generally a bit shy in large groups, but would like to try and use the event as a networking opportunity as well as a learning experience. It’s a three-day event with a reception afterwards. 

I’m the only person representing my company at the conference. Fortunately, I’m not giving a presentation! But my boss has told me to come back with some useful contacts. Help!!

Speaker A

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Speaker A.

One way to stand out at conferences, even if you’re a bit shy, is to wear one subtle but interesting thing. It could be an unusual tie, watch, or piece of jewelry, or just a flower in your lapel. You’ll be surprised how many people comment on it and it’s a great way to start a conversation! Don’t be afraid to hand out your business cards. I always run out by the second day. So take plenty! Eat in the conference centre. Don’t be put off by long lunch queues — they’re a great place to meet people. As for which presentations you should attend, the best way to make sure you’re keeping up with the latest trends is by going to all the big talks by the industry leaders. Find out who the stars (and bores) are before you go. BTW, don’t be embarrassed about walking out boring presentations halfway through. Your boss isn’t paying you to waste your time. Hate to disappoint you, but 80% of the talks will be BORING. Don’t be tempted to do the tourist stuff. You don’t have time. you can always go back there on hold. And avoid the hotel bar in the evenings. Find a nice quiet place to relax at the end of the end of what will feel like very long days. Oh, and don’t forget to pack comfortable shoes—you’re going to do a lot of walking! Hope this is some help. Good luck!

Speaker B.

One thing I’ve learned about conferences is always to carry ‘useful stuff’. You’d be surprised how many people don’t have the right money for the coffee machine or turn up to a talk without a pen. Lending them yours is a great way to start a conversation! But, whatever you do, don’t give your business card to everyone you meet or you’ll have a mountain of email the you get back! Make a few notes on the back of useful cards and throw away useless ones at the end of each day. 

Also, use coffee breaks to take notes on what you’ve learned and who you’ve met, or you’ll forget it all later. It may sound strange, but I’d skip the big presentations. You can network much better at small group sessions where you can talk more easily. A word about audience etiquette. It’s very bad manners to walk out of a talk halfway through, even if you’re not enjoying it. Think how you’re feel! Make sure you get to see something of Rome while you’re there —shouldn’t be all work and no play! On the subject of work, remember, the hotel bar is where the real networking gets done. Finally, dress to impress. Best suit, best shoes = best results. 

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